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Boost your little one's language skills, creativity & confidence with
Musical Moments
Five simple 5-minute musical activities for you & your child
SOUNDS FUN- SEND IT TO ME!Get ready for giggles, fun, and learning...
...with a unique blend of musical play that includes movement, imagination, & play combined with classic music- including traditional classical music, classic folk music, and nursery rhymes.
Early exposure to music is good for young brains!
Musical play helps:
- Improve brain power
- Develop social skills
- Build confidence
- Inspire creativity
- Increased attention span
- Teach patience
- Learn healthy expression
- Teach self-discipline
Studies show that music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words.

We are big fans of Clap for Classics! The variety in musical and learning activities is really amazing to me. There is always something new and fun in each activity. You’ll find within the musical content opportunities for learning in art history, STEM, math, social and emotional skills, literature and more. I have found myself learning right alongside my kids. They truly understand how to engage young kids in rich music and fantastic learning activities"

Hi! We are Elizabeth and Kathryn: musicians, sisters, but at the end of the day, we are moms, just like you, wanting to do the best for our young kids.
We created Clap for Classics! because we know that the early years are a crucial time for a young child's development. They are like sponges, absorbing so much of the world around them. It is the perfect time to begin instilling a lifetime love of music.
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